the medicine of freedom




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          I'm Gaetano Conforto, Medical Doctor and Clinical Pharmacologist; my interest is in orthomolecular nutrition - omotoxicology, quantum medicine ( quantum healing- quantum psychology, quantum transformation, without using technical intruments, but just only our consciousness ) and research on relationship between spirituality and health.

          Member of New York Academy of Sciences and of  Istitute of Noetic Sciences.

          I have been studied human potential with the purpose to free human being from its mind ghost, responsible of many deseases.

          In my researches I have expanded on quantum physics, and I was able to give explanations to many unexplained  therapeutic effects as placebo effect, and therefore the relationship mind-body, as prayer, therefore the distance effect of our consciousness, realizing that we are constituted from energy, information and intelligence.

          As result of these scientific interpretations, every organ, systems, apparatus are not never solid reality, but just energetic reality susceptible of influence by our intention.

          In the last few years I became aware of relationships between health and financial condition. Our society is based on money much more than love. Poor people have more chances to get illnesses or distress than rich ones. The latter have a more enjoyable life and can have many pleasures from life.

          It's my intention to teach and spread financial intelligence to give everyone the opportunity to enhance its own health conditions. With a lot of money we can bring hope where people live in extremely poor conditions.

           The Medicine of Light will bring "light" where there is darkness, both spiritual and emotional.        

          Here is an abstract taken by  Scientific American publication about relationship between financial status and health:

         " Sick of Poverty; December 2005; Scientific American Magazine; by Robert Sapolsky; 8 Page(s)

          Rudolph Virchow, the 19th-century German neuroscientist, physician and political activist, came of age with two dramatic events--a typhoid outbreak in 1847 and the failed revolutions of 1848. Out of those experiences came two insights for him: first, that the spread of disease has much to do with appalling living conditions, and second, that those in power have enormous means to subjugate the powerless. As Virchow summarized in his famous epigram, "Physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor."

Physicians (and biomedical scientists) are advocates of the underprivileged because poverty and poor health tend to go hand in hand. Poverty means bad or insufficient food, unhealthy living conditions and endless other factors that lead to illness. Yet it is not merely that poor people tend to be unhealthy while everyone else is well. When you examine socioeconomic status (SES), a composite measure that includes income, occupation, education and housing conditions, it becomes clear that, starting with the wealthiest stratum of society, every step downward in SES correlates with poorer health. "


 gaetano.conforto2@tin.it         tel.:+ 39-347.76-11091

 Subscribe to my newsletter sending me an e-mail with " I Accept " in the object line


Curriculum Vitae

Studies and education

1982 University of Catania

graduated in Medicine and Surgery

1984 University of Catania

§ Winner of a national competition for students in

Clinical Pharmacology.

1986 University of Catania

Postgraduate in Clinical Pharmacology.

2006  Enlightened Wealth Retreat, Anaheim California

Professional experiences


  • Consultant for “Medicine of the Third Era”.

Happy Mouse.Web & Publications.


from 1990

  • BOdy Building Teacher  CONI – Libertas

School directed by the dr. Enrico Pierotti.

from 1992

  • Fellow of the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine with reference to the use of food supplements in medical practice and in Body Building.

1981- 1990

  • Internal student to Institute of Pharmacoogy in Catania

Directed by prof. Umberto Scapagnini.

From 1997

  • General Pratictioner in Siracusa


from 1993

- Studies on  relationship  between meditatives mental processes and physical activity.

from 1992

- Studies on relationship between nutrition and behavior.

from 1990

- Studies on therapeutic uses of amino acids.

from 1983

-Clinical and basal researches in the field of the gastro - enterology, neurology, endocrinology.



-Course in “economical Psychology”, by dr. Phil Laut.


-Course in “Flowers- therapy”, lead by prof. Gianfranco Franceschi.

1992 - 1994

-Training course in “Orthomolecular Medicine ”

Organized by A.I.M.O.

1992 - 1994

-Courses in inner spiritual growth: “Vivation”, “Rebirthing”, “Biodrama”, “Symbology”, “Psychodinamics”, “Energetic healing”.


2002 -Mysteria Rome Reported topic: " The Psychology of the Light "

2002 -2° Macrofestival Bellaria

  •  Reported topic: " Quantum consciousness and healing "
  • Reported topic: " The Psychology of the Light "

2001 - The Body Quantum- Florence

 - Reported topic: “ Quantum consciousness and healing“

Organized by Viriditas Association -. Viterbo

2001 - Cancer and degenerative pathologies- Milan

  •  Reported topic: " Quantum Medicine and the PNEI ". 1° World Congress of Naturopathy

Organizers: Italian Occupational Union of Heilpraktiker and " Naturopati".

2001 -Build the future…for a new consciousness - Padua

  • Reported topic: “The Medicine of the Third Era”.

2000 - Medicine& Medicine - Milan

  • Reported topic: “Medicine of the Third Era and Spiritual Transformation”.

Meeting on Alternative Medicine and Holistic Therapies.

Organizers: Association “The Hill-Universal Friends”.

1995 - Soul and Body Milan

  • Reported topic: “ Psycho-diet-therapy”.

Organizers: Riza Psicosomatica Edition

1994 - Water: Science and Mystic compared- Bressanone                      to save the planet -

  • Reported topic: “Water: Science and Mystic compared to save the planet”

10° National Symposium of Orthomolecular Medicine .

Organizers: A.I.M.O.. .

1994 - Soul and Body Milan

  • Reported Topic: “Orthomolecular nutrition "..

Organizers: Riza Psicosomatica Edition.

1995 - Amino acids, Life's Champions Siracusa

  • Reported topic: “Amino- acidsi, Life's Champions ”.

Organizer: Gaetano Conforto M.D:

1992 - International Congress on

Orthomolecular Medicine--

  • Reported topic on video about immune system .


- 2004

" The Medicine of Light. The new physics of healing." Publisher Macro Italy

- 2003

" Diventa Leader della tua vita " ( " Become Leader of your Life "). Publisher Macro, Italy

- 2003

" Quantum sciences and healing".Video-book publisher Macro, Italy

- 2001

n interview with Roberta Piliego, “Science and Consciousness. Meeting with Gaetano Conforto”.

Web site: http://www.auraweb.it

- 2000

n Run the column “Medicine of the Third Era”.

Web site: http://www.auraweb.it

- 1997

nProduction of a slip-case with 5 CDs “ Losing weight and balancing itself with mind”: guided mental training for psychological and physical balance.

- 1996

n Interview with Manuela Pompas on the topic “ Losing weight with the mind”.

Gioia magazine, febbraio-n.8.

- 1995

nArticles published related to the relationship between psyche – nutrition - behavior.

Alpha Dimensione Vita Magazine

- 1995

nPublishing of the book “Psycho-diet-therapy”.

Riza Sciences – June 1995.

- 1995

nTopics on nutrition and supplements published on body building magazines .


Quantum sciences and consciousness freedom

- This course embodies all courses with essential and practice topics and economic success

Quantum Transformation

nHow consciousness creates the material world.

Quantum healing

n Conversing with the energetic quantum field to activate the healer within.

Quantum Psychology

n knowing own spirit to recover from the illnesses.

Losing weight with the mind and without diet

nHow relationship between body – mind can help losing weight


nHow to govern with effectiveness the cosmic forces, to induce significant coincidences, and so realizing our goals.

Quantum transformation and Economic Success

nQuantum energy  expressing  itself as money can be contacted for the greater material,emotional and spiritual well-being.

Other sites where one can find Gaetano Conforto:

H ome page Association “The new life” (clicks then in “ advised operators”…!)


Home page “Alternatives realtiies”


Interview “Science and Conscience” (published on “Alternatives Realities ”)


The quantum psychological therapy (“Alternatives Realities ”)


The Medicine of the Third Era(“Alternatives realities”)


Meeting “For a New Planetary Consciousness”. Topic: “Medicine of the Third Era”


Gnomiz. Search for books and Cd rom in sale




Copyright (c) 2003 Gaetano Conforto. All of the right reserved.







