THE MEDICINE OF THE THIRD ERA ( as also discussed by Larry Dossey in Reinventing Medicine) |
New relation between doctor - patient
New physics of healings .( by courtesy of Alba Magica 2001 )
The human being has a purpose in his life: to become more like God, to be in other words co-creator of his own world. We can get the consciousness about being responsible for our life through the spiritual research. The goal of spirituality is not to become saints, to pretend to be mystics, to live in an Hymalayan monastery, to get rid of the terrestrial things , to walk on the burning coal or to go down from a cliff, to show poverty as S. Francesco from Assisi...none of this. We need our spiritual path to understand our
capacity to create the material and emotional world that surrounds us ( health,
happiness, service and money...) whenever we want .This big knowledge puts us
in the conditions to be linked to nothing and to look not for
approval and power over others: in other words all the kinds of requests
that our ego imposes daily. As a result we won’t feel
the necessity to depend on others ( if I can get everything I need , I just
need to want it , the material and psychological slavery among human beings
ends up ) and we can help them get a
knowledge as ours! Fear, doubt, senses of guilty, grudge, resentment, sense of
inferiority, jealousy, anger, envy, loneliness, will only become phantoms that
have guided our lives in a bad way since the humanity started ( producing wars
and disease ). Finally, today we can see
the scientific bases of the spiritual research that can explain and produce a lot of manifestations linked to the ancient
spiritual traditions ( illuminations, satori, the river of life , miracles ,
non-local phenomena, meditations , sense of unity, etc.) A big help comes from
quantum physics. Everything that surrounds us
is made of atoms, made themselves of subatomic particles, with waving
properties. In other words they behave now as particles ( with a mass, a
position, and a relation space-time ) now as waves ( with no mass, immaterial,
invisible, spread everywhere at the same time in the space ); this duality
depends on the observer of the system ( in other words us ) and on the
measuring instrument we use. That means that if we don't
observe the system , it will be spread in the space, otherwise it will get
properties of the material itself: it would be the man with his observation to
create the material reality, perceptible with our five senses. Our brain is not able to see
the quantum phenomena happening in our body and environment, in other words all
the subatomic particles that appear and disappear one millions of time/ sec!
What we perceive is only the three-dimensional dimension . If we wore " quantum
glasses" we would see happen the creation of everything around us, and as
if from the nothingness, many particles
would appear that exchange information with everything that surrounds us, in an
indivisible network: the universe is an interconnected and interacting reality, so that an altereded information in a particle would
be transmitted to all the others particles of the universe... Another important quantum
law for the comprehension of the spiritual growth is the non -locality . It states that two particles
together, even though they are separated, and they are at a very long distance,
(e.g. two photons) behave as they were a
big one being: in other words, each one of them receive immediately information
from the other one. The non-locality is the rule
of the universe. That helps us understand how, from a subatomic point of view,
space and time don't exist and how the forms created in the universe are in
instant communication with each other : the man with the various forms of the
universe, like plants, animals, minerals are only one, unique being... Applying this physics law to
our emotions, we understand that our thoughts,
that are quantum events ( on this quote is
based the quantum psychology ), are able
to affect the information of our subatomic particles, constituting our cellular
biochemistry ( relationship mind / body ) and the subatomic particles of other living
beings, man included. From that we can understand our responsibility
regarding our health and our planet. The spiritual transformation
coming from that consists in becoming aware of
how: 1. we are creators of our
own world, material or spiritual ( health or sickness ). 2. there is no separation,
but instant communication between us and the other beings: the non duality of
the universal relationships. The second concept, the one
regarding the non-separation, could become the salvation in the relationships
between us and the others, bringing to those eternal laws that has always been
told in the big spiritual traditions: " Love our neighbour, because our neighbour
is us " ( among subatomic particles there's no difference ) animal, vegetal,
mineral or human; " Everything we do to others, we do it to ourselves !
" The concept of separation,
to see ourselves different from everything around us, brought to the alienation
of the human being, with consequent health problems ( anxiety, depression,
chronic diseases ) and problems in the social
and politic relations. With regard to our argument,
the Medicine of the Third Era ( to distinguish it from that of the First Era -
the medicine all drugs and surgery- and
from the Second Era - the mind-body medicine ), has his rational in the two
concepts of quantum physics above stated : a. the observer creates his
own physic and psychic reality ; b. there is an immediate
communication between two quantum entities ( and the man can consider himself a
quantum entity ) apart from the distance in which they are. This last rational
introduces the concept of non-local mind . While in the mind-body
medicine the person's mind can actually act on his own cellular biochemistry,
affecting the state of health and illness ( like negative thoughts, grudges,
fears, guilt, the psychosomatic illness, etc.) in the Medicine of the Third Era
the person's mind is non-local, it is able to act at a distance and to receive,
at a distance, information from other people. The non-local mind is infinite in
the space-time ( it's the conscience, which is the foundation of the whole
universe ) it's widespread and it's not
limited by time: " the non local mind is the rule of man!!!" The non local phenomena are
1) not mediated - there is no energy that is transported -2)not mitigated by
the distance-the effect doesn't grow weak in intensity -3) immediate. These same considerations
embrace the physic of particles ( N. Herbert ). So, the Medicine of the
Third Era includes healing at a distance, diagnostic intuitions, eternal
conscience ( beyond the physical death, with a reduction of the fear of death
), telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, visions, prophetic dreams, both of
diagnosis and healing, prayer ..., which is a kind of healing based on the
infinite, fundamental nature of the conscience. As we can understand, the relation doctor-patient totally changes. The doctor penetrating the
medicine of the Third Era, becomes a spiritual guide for the patient, and if both of them agree on
these preliminary remarks, they become an implicit unity in the non-local
mind!! The doctor doesn't abandon, doesn't make the ill patient and / or who is
about to die feel alone, but he can use his non local inactive capacities both
for the diagnosis and for the therapy . The Medicine of the Third
Era distinguishes between the Internist and the Eternist. The Internist is the
therapist, the doctor who sees inside the patient ( clinical examinations,
laboratory diagnosis, instrumental diagnosis etc. ). The Eternist looks for the
solution in the space-time both inside and outside the patient : he studies his dreams, his
intuitions - he prays together with the patient- he reads in the non-local mind
and in the physique perceiving the illness and the therapy which is often
spiritual- he investigates the emotions that cause the troubles- he gives
importance to the intention behind the therapy - he uses concepts like the
synchrony - he acquaints the family with the non local therapy of the subject,
when it's possible- he accompanies and makes the dying patient aware of all the
phenomenologies that appear when you enter the quantum world, moments or weeks
before dying ( presences, visions of dead people, light beings, near-death
experiences ). ( Medicine of Eternity). Doing this, the doctor of
the third era recognizes the nature without time of our reality, making the
patient understand it....even if he can still use the means of the medicine of
the first and the second era. The Medicine of Eternity
leads to a transformation of our reality: this becomes the key of the awareness
of the non local nature of our mind, which is infinite, unbreakable and
immortal. The illness, in these
conditions has the power to transform, to provoke a quantum jump of
consciousness, to elevate the level of spiritual maturity both of the therapist
and of the subject, with the only aim to respect the Golden Rule of the third
era: "Do good to others, because the others are yourself" - we are
both local and non-local. Only with the detachment from the known we can enter
the non locality which is the ground where miracles happen and where the man
takes God by the hand.
Spirutual research
Quantum Physics
The observer creates own reality
Non - Locality
Thoughts are quantum events
Medicine of the Third Era
Non local-mind
What includes the Medicine of Third Era
Relation doctor-patient
Internist - Eternist
Medicine of Eternity
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