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The Quantum Medicine NEWSLETTER Have a good week!!! This is Jun 12th newsletter! Let's invite other people to subscibe to this newsletter! For Archives The full version is at
the link: www.quantumedicine.com/article/nuovofile254.html
Conventional Medicine: ''Solving'' One Problem, Worsening Another 3)
Money Skill #2.
Control It
The thought of the week
: " Keep worshiping your
Self everyday with great honor….Have complete faith in yourself. Put all your
trust in your inner Self. ________________________________________________________________________
human body to produce the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is
strongly antiretroviral (it is an antagonist of reverse transcriptase) and can
greatly reduce HIV replication. Unfortunately, HIV has developed the ability to
compete with the body for these four nutrients because shortages of them allow
its more effective replication. Specifically, HIV has a gene that allows it to
produce an analogue of glutathione peroxidase. Diets high in selenium, cysteine,
tryptophan and glutamine seem to have two major benefits for AIDS patients:
Some countries or regions, like http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v02n03.shtml
________________________________________________________________________ Conventional Medicine: ''Solving'' One Problem, Worsening Another Conventional medicine is full of
useless cures and treatments -- many of which line the pockets of the
mega-drugmakers -- that eventually cause more harm than their worth, as
evidenced by a popular piece I posted some two years ago about a boy's
30-month, health-harming struggle with a fish bone. In a new study, removing tonsils and
adenoids were surgical "treatments" for obstructed sleep-disordered
breathing, better known as sleep apnea, in children that worsened a problem
that probably already existed: Childhood obesity. More than 50 children between ages
6-12 went under the knife in a misguided effort to relieve their breathing
problems. About a year later, researchers discovered the excess weight of their
young patients climbed by a disturbing 13 percent on average. Makes you wonder if physicians had
taken the direct route to the problem -- helping children lose those extra
pounds by retooling their diets based on their unique metabolic types and
getting them moving with exercise -- those surgeries wouldn't have been necessary at all. Pediatrics, Vol. 117, No. 2,
February 2006: 200-208 _____________________________________________________________________________ Money Skill #2.
Control It
I want to teach you a simple, easy and extremely
powerful way to think about your money. And that's the second of the 7 money
skills. Controlling every penny that flows through your life. Let me show you
how to control your money by teaching you a theory I created called the Bathtub
Theory of Economics. Most people have one simple faucet or main source of
income...their job. This income flows into the bathtub of their life and flows
out through the drains at the bottom. Most everyone spends every penny their
earn...and then some. They never retain any money in savings. They spend it
all. Obviously, the only way to have an overflowing prosperity in your life is
to plug up those holes and to turn on more faucets...to have Multiple Streams
of Income. How many leaks are there? I have simplified the many
ways you can spend money into ten categories. It's easy to remember the
categories. Each one flows in order of their priority. According to
Rockerfeller, where should the first dollars go? That's right, to your
partners. Who are your partners? God, first. Yourself, next. And Uncle Sam,
third. Then, you can live maintain your lifestyle with what's left over. Therefore, the first category is called Tithing or
Charity(which represents your contribution toward God, church, God, charity,
others, giving, etc.) I have given this category the number of 1. The next category in order of priority is called Self.
Take the next 10% of your money and put it into the Self category...with a
number of 2. Next, comes your partner, Uncle Sam. The third
category, then, is taxes...and I give it a number of 3. What's the next most important expense of your life?
Category 4 is your shelter...in the form of house payments or rent payments.
What comes next? The fifth category is for household expenses such as food,
clothing, television, normal living expenses attributed to living in your place
of residence. This will amount to your largest category. Then comes category
6...Auto. Gotta have a car. Every time you pay for gas, transportation, repairs
to your vehicles, or car payments, you should put it in the category 6. Next is
Category 7 for Fun or entertainment. Usually, whenever you spend money out of
the home on movies, fast food, travel or toys, you should think of these
expenditures as happening in Category 7. Seven is the number for fun...that's
how I remember it. Then, comes Category 8; for all forms of insurance; health,
life, disability, liability, house, homeowners, etc. Miscellaneous expenditures (including payments toward
debt) come under category 9 Debt/Miscellaneous. And finally, there is Category
10...for business expenditures. Let's review: Category
1 Tithing Category
2 Self Category
3 Taxes Category
4 Shelter Category
5 Household Category 6 Automobile Category 7 Entertainment Category 8 Insurance Category 9 Debt/Miscellaneous Category 10 Business Expenses Now, I want every dollar you spend to be labeled into
one of these ten categories. I've kept the categories simple and broad because
if it gets too complicated, you won't do it. Even when in using a computer
finance program, like Quicken, which I use, I have all my categories simplified
into these 10 categories. You'll see why in a minute. So, let's examine a money transaction...which I call a
Money event. How many times a day do you spend money? 5 times? Ten times?
Rarely more. Think of it. You only spend money a few times a day. And yet,
those few decisions make all of the difference between poverty and wealth.
Actually, the millionaire spends approximately one minute more per money event
than the poor person. And that one minute makes a huge difference. Let's explore what I call the Millionaire's Minute. If
I could show you a simple one minute exercise that you performed every time you
spent money...that would almost guarantee that you'd become a
millionaire...would you do it? Let's examine a typical money event. Average people go to the store to buy something. They
are in a rush, running late. They quickly snatch up the desired item without
comparing prices. While they're waiting in the check out stand they see a few
impulse items they pick up. They pay for the items but don't record the event
because other people are waiting in line and besides, they're running late.
They rush off "a day late and a dollar short." Millionaires, on the other hand, take a few extra
steps which take less than a minute. First of all, before they enters the store
they decide only to buy the planned item and nothing else. Life is full of
things to buy. They can't allow their impulses to derail their decisions or to
control their life. Then, they spend a few extra seconds to compare prices and
to pick the best value. If appropriate, they locate a sales clerk and ask if
there is a possibility of obtaining a discount in price. They make a quick
mental calculation of their savings. This makes them feel good. Then, they take
the item to the check out stand. Once again, they are not sidetracked by
impulse buying. They select one of the three methods of payment: cash, credit
card or check. They exchange the money for the items, collects their receipt,
examine it for accuracy and put it in their wallet or purse for filing later.
Then, they make the most important step...they record the event by writing down
the purchase, determining which category of spending it was made in, calculate
the remaining balance in their account. Later, at home that day, they file the
receipt in a well organized manner for easy retrieval. All told, on average, the millionaire spends about an
extra minute per transaction than the poor person. But look at the savings in
time and money. The millionaire saves from 10-20% in comparison shopping. (What
if you could lower your annual spending by 20% without a lot of sacrifice?)
Then, by investing an extra minute to record the transaction and to file it
properly, she has at her fingertips a vast source of information. She knows her
current account balances. She can compare he spending to previous months and
notice trends. She is more aware of her actual spending which gives her much
greater control of her finances. She can calculate her tax consequences in
minutes not days. She can back up her tax decisions with instant documentation.
In a case of dispute, she knows where, when and how she spent her money and has
the receipt to prove it. She is in control. And the resulting peace of mind
creates a feeling of power. This increases her confidence, creativity and
judgment. She makes fast, correct, decisive decisions. This gives her that
secret millionaire's advantage. So, from now on, every time you spend money take an
extra minute to do these simple things... 1.
Plan your needs and procrastinate your wants 2.
Shop for value 3.
Ask for and expect a discount 4.
Examine your receipt. Categorize your receipt. Actually write a number from one
to ten on the receipt...so that you mentally decide which area of your life you
are spending money on. 5.
Balance your accounts...whether it's cash, check or credit card. File
your receipts when you get home. It's simple. Get ten manila folders and number them
from one to ten. Don't throw your loose receipts into a shoe box. File them
daily. This will get you in control of your finances in a few short weeks. Now,
there are lot of advantages of doing it this way...but let me give you one big
one. Taxes. Most of us don't get receipts, and when we do, we forget what it
was for. Suppose you buy a box of pencils for your small business...and everyone
in I heard once, I don't know if it's true but I believe
it, that because of tax deferred or tax free investments the billionaire Ross
Perot only pays 6% of his total yearly income in taxes. He understands the
value of money and how to plug those leaks...and that's why he's a billionaire
and you and I aren't...yet. The key to financial planning is cash flow management.
You've not only got to get the cash to flow into your bathtub. You have to
manage the leaks so that there is money left over at the end of the month
(profit.) With this profit you buy stuff...assets. You may also buy stuff by
going into debt. The object of the money game is to accumulate enough assets so
that eventually the income from your personal assets will support you instead
of your personal skills. Are you good at turning on faucets? Gotta get those
multiple streams of income flowing into your bathtub. Are
you good at plugging leaks? Gotta plug those leaks. Are
you good at getting stuff? Are you accumulating assets? Are
you good at repaying debts? Gotta stay out of debt. The better you are at managing and controlling these
four activities, the wealthier you'll become. Wealth Skill #2. Control your money. Start today to
gain a greater control over your money by doing the millionaire minute...you'll
be amazed. http://www.oneminutemillionaire.com/articles/7secrets.asp
These are my Italian Sites: If you like, you could translate it with http://www.freetranslation.com/ or with google translator. www.gaetanoconforto.com www.lamedicinadellaluce.com www.videoconforto.com So you can see me in action....... www.quantumoney.com I Sell seminars as - " It's easy to earn money....spiritually"; - " The Emotional Quantum Therapy"- - " Psychotherapy ": with quantum healing excercises ,- " Conference on What the Bleep to Know " soon also in English Language. -www.quantumedicine.com/article2/nuovofile5.html - " The power of Intention" - Quantum Healing " Gaetano Conforto