How consciousness creates material world |
How awareness creates the material and corporeal
world: a quantum journey to meet the
font of creation:
- One of the most fascinating discovery of this
century has been the demonstration of substances of a peptidic nature, called Neuropeptides,by the
researcher Candice Pert who studied them
in relation to their effect on the same receptors on which the morphine acts:
the result of this discovery is that for every thought, or image the brain
makes a lot of this substances go round with immediate effects on the
periphery, on the organs. As we can understand from this
mechanism, we are able to affect, by regulating the activity of these Neuropeptides, the function of our body ( Benson, Austin, Epstein). For example,
after a pleasant experience, which is mental, we have positive results on many bodily functions, for the letting in of Endorphin (
substances similar to the morphine!):
the same immunising system benefit by it ,increasing; the
glucocorticoids ( the hormones of stress ) reduce themselves, and heart, lung,
circulation, metabolism, free radicals, settle down to ideal values for the
Techniques like the creative visualization ( mental images ), The Transcendental Meditation, the Relaxation
Response ( Benson and the effects on hypertension ), Yoga, Zen, are able to
provoke a particular cerebration, characterized
by alpha waves, where the very important and delicate bonds between mind
and body take place: after opening this door, we can act on the bodily
functions!!! . The Buddhists who practice the Zen, naked on the snow, are able
to warm up wringing wet blankets !!!(Austin); the American cardiologist Dean
Ornish associating those techniques with
the vegetarian alimentation, the Yoga, and the spiritual research, obtained the
disappearance of the arteriosclerotics plaques to the coronaries of cardiopathics,
ready for the surgical operation of by-pass.
It is obvious that it involves a methodology of mental training, whose
daily commitment is the base for the
results, apparently unusual for us Westerners detached from the world of
mind-body relationships ( in medicine it is well-known the placebo effect, as a
demonstration of these bonds): the trained mind is able to affect the bodily
physiology. The
quantum physics has gone beyond ( see Wolf ) showing in laboratory (
Aspect) how immaterial entities ( thoughts, vivid images) of a quantum nature,
under the effect of the observer, which is our attention, transform themselves
from waves of probability, invisible, into
particles, visible ( effect
mind-body ): in few words we are creators of our world, then of our
reality!!! So
the brain becomes the means through
which the mind acts: but , according to the quantum physics applied to the
physiology, there would be as many little minds, as the molecules of our body
are, which cooperates with the bigger mind, in an unique net of immediate
Moreover, it has been proved
Bell’s theorem, another physicist, which regards the non-locality: two
particles ( which are material objects) that are separated, demonstrate to be
united, whatever their distance is, with phenomena that regard both of them
simultaneously, as if there was, and it has been proved, a bond that goes
beyond the speed of light. The observation creates our reality:
we are CREATORS…..
the brain would translate quantum
information into
sensorial and mental experiences
controlled by
the non-local conscience
Useful Links : http://www.mindbody.harvard.edu/
( Herbert Benson ) www.pmri.org www.chopra.com (
Deepak Chopra ) http://www.stardrive.org/ G.Epstein, guarire con la visualizzazione, Sperling&Kupfer -
N.Herbert, Quantum Reality -
ML, Rossmann, Healing Yourself, -
C.Pert, Molecules of Emotion, Scribner www.bevnvtgvro.az6.mark.tacoma.wa.us -
The basic Theory of body-mind medicine: http://www.voiceofwomen.com/fan_futures/bodymindmed.html
- The Mind-body continuum, D. http://www.alternative-therapies.com/select/003riley_01.html -
Il legame mente-corpo nell’ ipertensione essenziale, http://www.alternative-therapies.com/select/003mann_01.html
Let use your mind to manage chronic deseases
symptoms, K.Lorig, Holman,
Sobel : http://www.my.webmd.com/ -
F.Capra, Tao of Physics - Austin, Zen
and the Brain |