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INDEX Chapter 1:The new physics of healing Chapter 2: Sub-manifest order of being Chapter 4: The Spiritual Transformation Chapter 5 : The meaning of Light Chapter 6: Quantum Physics and Spiritual laws Chapter 7: Quantum Consciousness Chapter 8: Quantum Healing Chapter 9: PNEI and Medicine of Light Chapter 10: The Spiritual Therapies Muscle relaxation The relaxation response The Meditation The transcendental Meditation The mindfulness Meditation The Prayer Difference between Religion and Spirituality Chapter 11: Spirituality, Faith and Medicine of Light Chapter 12: Spirituality and Health. Clinical studies Charter 13: Spirituality and General Practice Chapter 14:The Quantum Emotional Therapy BIBLIOGRAPHY FIGURES
SUBJECTS Why we need spiritual medicine I first
deal with the need to change the way we
look at the life: our ego is liable
for many
behaviour responsible for
illness, stress, negative emotions. This
is true in many human fields as in medicine. In the second part I describe my spiritual journey, as man and
as doctor, with many quantum phenomena
that lead me to write this book. -
Chapter 1: The new
physics of healing How quantum physics deeply change the vision of medicine and healing. This chapter is full of
information about quantum physics principles applied to our consciousness and
physiology, and they are very useful to
understand the practical application of medicine of light. -
Contents: a) The new vision of reality: everything is made up of
wave-particle duality also the brain, the neurons, the gallstones, atheroma.
Everything is the light in various frequencies. Consciousness is able to
collapse the wave in particles and vice versa. Everything change when our
consciousness is trained and trustful in this mechanism. b) Thoughts: they are vibrations, waves able to change our
physiology and to collapse in biochemical substances. This is the miracle of
existence. c) Non – locality: perhaps the most intriguing
mystery of physics. It explain prayer, distant healing, quantum healing, remote
viewing, and our unity in God. d) Space and Time: they are just only Newtonian
concepts, because in non-locality there is neither space nor time. e) The forces of nature: they are at the base of all the
material creation and also field of the intellect. f)
The Unified Field: it’s the quantum
ocean where we are all immersed and interconnected. g) Three levels of reality: material, quantum and
virtual ( non-local ) reality. It’s important to understand
these three dimensions because until now the medicine was based only on
material level, where everything in our body is viewed as separate from the
other and body structures are viewed as particles not also as waves, that is
unchangeable. The virtual levels is our home, our spirit, where there aren’t
illness and troubles: stand-by meditation put into contact with it, in a easy
way. h) Comparison between the classic physics and the modern physics: this section
point out the old way of thinking there was dependent only by our five senses:
things are separated from us and function regardless of our presence: the
consciousness has an influence only within our body and within the limitations
of space and time. The quantum physics make us
responsible of our world, because consciousness is the ultimate reality: we
influence everything with our thinking, choosing, interpretations on whom we
put our attention: so we modify our physiology, and other’s physiology for the
non – local effect. Chapter 2 – The sub-manifest order of being This is the place where we all
reside and the source of our Spirit and consciousness. From studies made by Dutch neuroscientist Hermes
Romijn all memory of human kind are stored in this sub-manifest order of being,
the same name for the non –local, virtual
domain. When we enter this dimension we put into contact with collective
subconscious, with past and future, with the Source from which we are all
created. Its knowledge and experience is very important to manage the Medicine
of Light. According to quantum
physics principles our brain is only but
frozen light organized in structures interlinked with all light in the universe. The brain, from the point of quantum physics, is a field of information, energy,
consciousness, memory, creativity localized in all our body and linked with the
quantum ocean of the universe. Other than being just an organ closed in the
skull, it’s an important instrument of our mind and consciousness able to
transform quantum information in thoughts, emotions and chemicals. We enter with this new view of the brain when we
are in contact with the non-local dimension: meditation, prayer, contemplation,
service, loving, charity, humility, producing health effects on our body. Chapter 4 – Spiritual Transformation We need to shift our mind from
material to spiritual dimension with the help of scientific discoveries to
enter healing domain. In this chapter is described the reality from the
quantum and non – local point of view; what happen when we realize to be
quantum beings able to create our healing reality when we are aware of our
spirit within us. All things around us change and we know who we are. Chapter 5 – The meaning of light All things, in their
fundamental nature, are derived from light, essential primary matter for the
creation. The unity of the whole is the light with its huge
plasticity to give origin to different shapes and dimensions. The light has
consciousness, memory, renewal, evolution and creativity: God with his
intention creates everything from the light. In human body every
organ is frozen light and made of subatomic particles that carry information
and that can be influenced by the action of non - local consciousness, colours and sounds. Light
is the bridge between the physical world and the inner one of the mind, of
consciousness. Therefore it would represent the bridge between the virtual and
the material existence. Chapter
6 – Quantum Physics and Spiritual Laws Spiritual
laws, an extremely important tool to being into healing dimension, can be
explained by quantum physics principles. The
knowledge and the practice of spiritual laws ( virtual and quantum laws ), like
an handbook, make us become divine beings with a mission and a cosmic purpose.
We get higher frequency levels of awareness. All this has a great impact on our
health. Words like service, faith, love, compassion, forgiveness, charity will
become usual language in our daily increasing immune activity. All people are
one. Jesus have told us about this laws 2000 years
ago: for example “ Honour thy father and
mother……..That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the
earth”. Chapter
7- Quantum Consciousness The
great power of our consciousness is unlimited, because is non – local, hence it’s
eternal and in every place and not closed in our brain, and the ultimate
reality in the universe. Consciousness,
with its two properties named attention and intention, can change, through the central nervous
system, both the informative-energetic content of the quantum body of the
universe ( therefore it can influence another distant body), where man is
immersed, and the informative-energetic content of the quantum structure of man
( therefore our own body). Interesting
the mechanism studied by Hameroff and Penrose based on microtubules and
tubulins through which consciousness ( according to my opinion ) acts on brain structures. We
are human beings able to change our quantum body and therefore our health. We
can make shift of consciousness followed by shift in physiology. Healing is to free oneself from the
past, to free oneself from all the conditionings, the false interpretations,
the false expectations, the false certainties, the primitive conditioning,
therefore to free oneself from slavery of the egos. In quantum healing we could use the
technique of colours, described in the chapter,
allowing us to talk with our quantum body and give it information about
healing. In this way we could treat not only our health’s troubles but also
those of others with remote viewing. Chapter 9 – PNEI AND THE MEDICINE OF LIGHT How
contacting the virtual dimension influence our
psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunologic system. Many
studies put their attention on relationship between emotional feelings felt in
the virtual domain ( as in prayer, repeated mantra, rosary, regularly attending
church and religious services , spiritual discussion, reading religious or
spiritual literature, looking for God’s help, meditation, faith in spiritual
aid) and an increase in function of the immune system, an decrease in
stress hormones and an effect on particular brain structures with lowering of
sympathetic nervous system activity. Every time we clear our mind and
allow our spirit to enter in action,
many amazing effects happen: our Spirit is the most powerful tool for healing
and balancing every organ and system
that is in lower frequencies. Chapter 10 – The Spiritual
Therapies Every
technique able to put us into contact with the quantum and virtual dimension
can be a tool to reach peace, bliss and body control. In this chapter I discuss the
quantum principles of spirit-mind- body medicine and as we are able to modulate
with our consciousness many body functions. I deepen and describe topics with
relative exercises and useful effects as muscle
relaxation, the relaxation response,
various kinds of meditations, prayer. At the end of chapter follow a
description of the difference between religion and spirituality. Chapter 11- Spirituality, Faith and Medicine of Light Spirituality
and Faith with the inner concepts of Medicine of Light acquire a scientific
vision and this allow them to have an associate role in medical therapy along
with the usual ( drug and surgery ) treatment of illness. The perceptions, the
interpretations and the interconnections with one another ( it’s important
belonging to a religious group that works to a subliminal level on the quantum
body of every person) , and our beliefs influence our biochemistry. Service
maintains the flow of the world - that is to say the flow of the big quantum
ocean in which we are immersed - in continuous motion, and we become aware,
once we believe in this and we’ve acquired this concept, that we can model our
destiny, therefore we can not only prevent but also make the illnesses regress.
The Medicine of Light has a
spiritual approach to the patient, to the illness, to the life knowing that
living daily in the non – local dimension is a perfect way to stay well, help
healing, stay into contact with God, and feel a sense of immortality, an
expansion of consciousness with the awareness that life and its purpose continue after death ( as demonstrated by Gary
Schwartz studies ). Chapter 12 – Spirituality and Health. Clinical
Studies The scientific researches show more and more that
spirituality has a positive effect on our mental and physical health, it is
essential to the prevention of illnesses and to the healing, as much as a
regular physical activity and a healthy nourishing. This
chapter reports the most significant clinical studies performed by serious
researchers and reflections on how body
and mind stay well and in balance with spirituality in action. Their results
state : people who are involved in spiritual activities recover from illnesses
and from surgery more swiftly, they have a healthier and more radiant
appearance than those who, instead, don’t have a spiritual life. Chapter
13 – Spirituality and General Practice All
general practitioners must be instructed and become aware in their daily
practice about importance of spiritual
field as valuable tool integrating
the official therapy. General
practitioners should be a precious means to spread spiritual therapies at all
levels and to all people, for prevention, healing, and well-being. In
this chapter I describe the need for physician to deepen spirituality and I
make a description of clinical studies and tools available to approach the patient in the right spiritual way,
without imposing own religious beliefs. On the other hand, many studies report
the need for the patient to talk about spirituality with his doctor. In
every consulting room should be said
more frequently, together with blood tests, drug prescription, clinical
examination, words as forgiveness, love, compassion, “ let’s prayer”,
repentance, service and positive emotions, talking about illness as a way
God communicate with us to make us free,
if we become aware of the deepen meaning of body messages. The medicine of the
future will be “ Prayer and Prozac”, spirituality and chemical therapy. Chapter
14 – The Quantum Emotional Therapy Most
problems of human beings ( depression, anxiety, stress, physical troubles,
uncertainty, fears, and all other emotional feelings) are due to formation in
their quantum body of quantum particles also named emotional particles. The
removal of this dangerous energetic
structures free the human consciousness giving health and joy of living. We
are all immersed in the divine quantum ocean made up of subatomic particles and
virtual photons. We are Spirit living a material experience. Our mind is a
powerful tool with amazing qualities, but it’s a reservoir of all our
experiences in the shape of emotional particles and an instrument our Spirit. All
emotional particles forms a being called ego or one-hundred heads dragon, the cause of all our troubles, physical and
emotional, and the continuous presence in our mind. Our
mind is slave of this dragon and carry out everything it command us but we
don’t never realize this spell. It’s our failure as free human beings. In
this chapter I describe as to break this spell and allow our spirit, our divine
essence, to spread in all our mind and body to give us peace and health.